Our Charism

“The first work of our Congregation was that of Christian education and preaching, and we have always been a teaching community. With this as our starting point we have adapted ourselves to serve God’s people in many different branches of education and research – especially in schools, colleges, universities, graduate studies and publication – as well as in other forms of priestly work, particularly in parishes and missions. Whatever apostolic work we do, we are doing a single work of service, ‘building up the Body of Christ.’ None of our apostolates is better or more important than the others. ‘It is all one who does the planting and who does the watering. . . ‘We are fellow workers with God.'”– BWL, 64


As the Church continues to evolve, our Congregation recognizes the need to listen to those who are willing to propose new apostolates or adaptations to present ones. We also recognize that the building up of the Body of Christ is not our task alone, but one that we share will all our brothers and sisters in Baptism. Thus, the relationships we form with all those we meet enrich the work we do.

Published on October 20, 2010 at 1:39 am  Leave a Comment  

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